Monday, October 25, 2010

Another Late Phone Friday: Joys of the G2 watching a new Android fan being born.

So we've had our G2s for a bit more than a week now. And from what I can tell as an observer, my wife is loving hers. Kind of funny, we've been on a shared family plan for close to 6 years now, but this is the first time we've both had the same phone. When we switch to T-Mo over 3 years ago,I kept my unlocked Treo650 and we got her the current Pearl. Year later I got the G1, but now we are both on the G2.

When I first convinced her she needed a 'smarter' phone I convinced her to go Blackberry (with the help of another friend who had been a Blackberry fan forever, even though I here she is considering switching to Android now too). She selected the White Pearl and instantly was happy. She started her MBA program and the tech department connected her BB to the schools mail system and she was even happier. We installed the Google Apps on it and she was happier.

But now she has a G2. So far it seems like she is really liking it. I can't totally tell if she likes it more for the smartphone part of it, or the games she's downloaded from the Market. Either way she likes it. It is taking her some time to get use to touching the screen, but it is funny to see her touch other screens thinking they'll move her phone.

So I have plans to 'interview' her about her new phone, but I'm finding it hard to find time. Bottom line is that she likes, I like it, and we are both happy we've upgraded.

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