Saturday, March 20, 2010

Headlamp 'repair'

the stuff So last August when I went to have my car inspected for safety and emissions I was told that my headlamps would most likely not pass inspection the next time. The service agent however mentioned to me that rather than replace them I should consider giving a headlamp cleaner a try (this was off the record of course). So I decided to give it a try.

So I looked up my options... lots of them. Years ago I had a really old beat up 1992 Ford Tempo that was in dire need of a paint job so I picked up on a whim Meguiar's cleaner that claimed it could 'revitalize' old paint, and low and behold it did.... my car was shiny for the first time since my parents had bought it used. Anyways so when I was looking at the list that I found I decided to go with Meguiar's. So a few weeks ago I headed over to my neighborhood Advanced Autopart to pick some up, but they only sold it in a 'kit' for $25 while I knew that the cleaner by itself only cost $7 plus I already have most if not all the various parts in the kit. So I decided I'd simply order a bottle. On a whim while I was at work I looked up Advance Auto Parts locations near my office.Turns out there was one on my way to the B-W Parkway. I pulled in and not only did they have the Meguiar's I wanted, but they had every one I could think of so I could actually read the labels before deciding... didn't change my mind, I still grabbed the Meguiar's PlastX

So I've had the bottle sitting on my desk for about a month and finally this weekend the weather was kind enough to go out and give it a try. The results were amazing. The headlamps on my 2002 Nissan Frontier almost look like new.

headlamp before 2 headlamp (right) after

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