Sunday, March 14, 2010

OpenEclair on my G1 and liking it!

So Eclair (Android 2.0) has been out for some time now, but unfortunately not for the G1. There are a number of roms out there that attempt to port eclair to the G1. I initially selected WG-OpenEclair, but it has bluetooth issues so I upgraded to the OpenEclair-DietEclair rom.... which unfortunately also has bluetooth issues with 1.2.2 which are fixed but won't be release till 1.2.3. So currently I'm reading and learning how to compile my own rom so that I can always see the latest and greatest benefits from OpenEclair. So anyways some notes on OpenEclair:
  • initally felt quick, but many apps occasionally start with a slight delay, still quick though
  • video camera fails (known issue when I started)
  • metamorph fails (I don't use it, so I really don't care)
  • live background kick ass (but don't know it they are necessary)
  • sound issues with media audio (phone and speakerphone okay, possibly a hardware issue on my end)
  • video playback issue including youtube and the weather channel (but also a known issue)
  • bluetooth doesn't work (also known issue and has been fixed and will be release with next version)
  • reboot to recovery, nice (most roms will schedule a reboot by holding the power button, this one also provides access to reboot to the recovery system, really a nice touch in my mind and should be in all roms)
So overall I'm very happy with OpenEclair. I was skeptical initially since I knew there were suppose to be hardware issues (I don't know what  the driver status is from HTC), but the community has done some seriously good work. Like I said above I'm learning the ropes to build my own rom so hopefully in the near future I will be a helping part of that community. While I wait for the next update, I'll probably give Kingklick92's Espresso Rom a try. I also want to go back and give the latest Super-D [1.9.4] release a try when it is ready, but not sure if I'll like if after playing with Eclair.

ps: don't expect me to start producing roms for mass distribution... really I only will building roms in an attempt to help solve bugs associated with the G1.

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