So I've been debating which tablet to get for a awhile, and back on my birthday I decided I was definitely getting something. So in the end I was between the Nexus 7, the B&N Nook HD and the Kindle Fire HD 7". Once the Nook received the update to be a Google certified device and received the Play Store, it almost won out, but I didn't like the fact that it didn't use a standard usb cable for charging. I hate carrying multiple cables when traveling.
Long story short, after reading how easy it was to root a Fire I decided to go that route, then came the best part, I probably wasn't going to have to root the Fire. So currently that is what I've got, a Kindle Fire HD which runs Android 4.0, an I've got it running most of the Google apps I want with out rooting.
What I've got running:
Talk (now Hangouts which works even better)
Blogger (which I'm using to type this out)
Google Play Store (well not fully)
Google Play Services
the trick: dropbox (actually any cloud storage) and es file explorer. Using es, I was able to backup the apps I wanted from my SG3, copy them to dropbox and then download and install on the Kindle. Yes it is a bit of work... but it is not like apps update everyday. The only issue I've run into is that I can't get the latest Google+ to work, oh well.
update (plus actual posting) so new friend to getting software onto my Kindle:
Long story short, after reading how easy it was to root a Fire I decided to go that route, then came the best part, I probably wasn't going to have to root the Fire. So currently that is what I've got, a Kindle Fire HD which runs Android 4.0, an I've got it running most of the Google apps I want with out rooting.
What I've got running:
Talk (now Hangouts which works even better)
Blogger (which I'm using to type this out)
Google Play Store (well not fully)
Google Play Services
the trick: dropbox (actually any cloud storage) and es file explorer. Using es, I was able to backup the apps I wanted from my SG3, copy them to dropbox and then download and install on the Kindle. Yes it is a bit of work... but it is not like apps update everyday. The only issue I've run into is that I can't get the latest Google+ to work, oh well.
update (plus actual posting) so new friend to getting software onto my Kindle:
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