There are many reviews of Android roms out there and many with much better details than this one here. If you are really interested in rooted roms for your G1 or other Android device check out: AndroidSpin and XDA forums. Once Google 'closed' Android on their T-Mobile devices (the developer versions are never locked), the 'hackers' started spinning root versions almost immediately. I started initially using JesusFreke's, then as he called it quits moved to Cyanogen's. While I can definitely say that I've been quite happy with CM, I recently decided to give others a try.
So last week with help of the Android community, I installed the DangerSPL. Installing DangerSPL provided the ability to try other Roms. So I decided to try Super-D by Ben Buchacher. Super-D is another rom for G1 devices. It uses a lot of the improvements Cyanogen has provided and adds a few others including various Eclair updates like the Launcher.
Like I said, I've been very happy with Cyanogen's mods and only decided to try others for the fun of it. Since I'm not an app developer of rom spinner, this review is largely based on plain average use. With CM most everything works, and since for the most part Super-D is based on CM, well you get the same stability. What Super-D adds is more.... As an every day user, I've not had any problems with Super-D. It is quick and I've had very few Force Closes than before. Battery life has also been good. A while back CM added wired-tethering, but I was never able to get it to work, but with Super-D it works great.
Overall I've been very happy with Super-D. If you are considering rooting your G1, give Super-D a try. As for me... now off to try the latest Cyanogen... or maybe KingKlick's.... or maybe OpenEclair. I'll post my feelings about other roms as I try them.
update: I decided to go with enomther's rom for my next trial. (
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