Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Almost bricked my G1, Android Community to the rescue!

So I've been debating changing the SPL on my G1 to Danger SPL for some time, and today I finally decided to do so. Partially out of being impatient I started to panic that I had bricked my phone. So just before I started my Google search, I posted a quick comment on  twitter... and within minutes the community was helping... in particular: @FHL09 and @simss22 .

Here is the twitter conversation log:
ckcin: not good... I think I've bricked my G1 installing Danger SPL
FHL09: @simms22 RT @ckcin: not good... I think I've bricked my G1 installing Danger SPL
FHL09: @simms22 lol it was a RT @ckcin thinks he bricked his after flashing the DangerSPL @_Qman
simms22:  @ckcin why do you think youve bricked it?
ckcin:  @simms22 never gets past the G1 splash screen... just reflashed the originall spl, lets see if that fixes it
simms22:  @ckcin did you flash the current radio? when i did the danger spl, my phone sat on the g1 screen for 40 min. flashing the old spl is a no-no
ckcin:  @simms22 hmmm...yes I've had the radio update since it was initilly released, I'll put the danger back on
simms22:  @ckcin can you get into recovery at all?
ckcin:  @simms22 yes, which gives me hope
simms22:  @ckcin youre not bricked then. flash the radio, then spl, then wait it out. a brick cant access recovery.
FHL09: Love @simms22 always a huge help - @ckcin youre not bricked then. flash the radio, then spl, then wait it out. a brick cant access recovery.
ckcin:  @simms22 cool thanks... I give it a try
ckcin:  @simms22 okay.... flashed the radio, then the spl... now I'm waiting.... here is to hoping it all works out, thanks
FHL09: @ckcin good luck, fingers crossed

about 50minutes later:

simms22:  @ckcin so... still waiting? it will probably through you back into recovery when its finished. flash htc's adp 1.6, dont reboot, let it do..
simms22:  @ckcin ...its thing, flash cyanogenmod, then reboot.
ckcin:  @simms22 yup still waiting... I already placed the cm rom on my sd so when it gets there I'll proceed
ckcin:  @simms22 should 'adb logcat' work?
simms22:  @ckcin youll need htc's adp 1.6 too
simms22:  @ckcin yes, it should(i think) i dont use adb
ckcin:  @simms22 adp 1.6 are you talking about the recovery image or the system image? or other
simms22:  @ckcin this one--->
ckcin:  @simms22 thanks... still waiting... over 50minutes...
simms22:  @ckcin power off(pull battery), boot into recovery and flash the adp 1.6, let it finish, flash cyanogenmod, then reboot.
ckcin:  @simms22 fingers crossed
ckcin:  @simms22 you are amazing, system up and running! thanks. And @fhl09 thanks for passing my panic to @simms22 you 2 rock!
simms22:  @ckcin nice! :)
but basically there you have it... simms22 fixed my problem, not only did he fix my problem, he checked in with my an hour later to see how things were going. The Android Community rocks!

also, this is how Twitter is suppose to work!

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