So a while back I killed the linux installation on my EeePC 1000HA Netbook. So this weekend I decided rather than fix it... I would just remove it. Well that was a good idea (sarcasm). Not the decision to leave linux off the netbook, that decision was okay... it was my hastiness in removing Linux... Needless to say, I forgot that I was using Grub as my boot loader, so when I removed my linux partition using the live Gparted USB... well bye-bye grub. So the, which resulted in the following site:
The site was very helpful and thankfully the other day I was cleaning up my tech supplies and located the DVD that came with the system. Anyways... I purchased a new USB drive [8GB] (I was surprised to find that my largest drive was only 1GB), and went to work. First I installed the live CD/USB version of Mint Linux on a 1GB stick, booted up the machine and backed up my files. Then I booted off the 8GB stick and followed the instructions on the above linked post. So after hours of prep and figuring out a solution it only took about 30 minutes to get the system restored to its original state. Then came 2 hrs of software updates.... and now the process of getting all my software all loaded up.
So what gets installed.... first off AVG (free), then Firefox (this time 4 RC1), and via the Google Updater: Chrome, Picasa, Gtalk, and updates of Skype, Real, and Acrobat Reader. Then the biggies... OpenOffice (well this time LibreOffice), Java, and Eclipse. Followed by the next item... the reason I decided I would remove the dual boot linux partition... Cygwin. Now I could go through and list what I installed in cygwin, but that would be a long list... but basically C++/GCC and Python plus SVN, then there are a bunch of libraries....
Now lets see how long before I decide to put linux back on my EeePC.
The site was very helpful and thankfully the other day I was cleaning up my tech supplies and located the DVD that came with the system. Anyways... I purchased a new USB drive [8GB] (I was surprised to find that my largest drive was only 1GB), and went to work. First I installed the live CD/USB version of Mint Linux on a 1GB stick, booted up the machine and backed up my files. Then I booted off the 8GB stick and followed the instructions on the above linked post. So after hours of prep and figuring out a solution it only took about 30 minutes to get the system restored to its original state. Then came 2 hrs of software updates.... and now the process of getting all my software all loaded up.
So what gets installed.... first off AVG (free), then Firefox (this time 4 RC1), and via the Google Updater: Chrome, Picasa, Gtalk, and updates of Skype, Real, and Acrobat Reader. Then the biggies... OpenOffice (well this time LibreOffice), Java, and Eclipse. Followed by the next item... the reason I decided I would remove the dual boot linux partition... Cygwin. Now I could go through and list what I installed in cygwin, but that would be a long list... but basically C++/GCC and Python plus SVN, then there are a bunch of libraries....
Now lets see how long before I decide to put linux back on my EeePC.
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