Monday, November 22, 2010

Blogging from the Sky after NASCAR's 2010 Ford Championship Weekend

So I've been in Miami this past weekend. It was my annual pilgramage down to Homestead for NASCAR's Ford Championship Weekend. This year was a good one. Kyle won back to back in the Trucks and the Nationwide Series, and I finally got to see Carl's victory flip in person, while Jimmie gained enough ground, finished section and clinched a record 5 straight national championships. Downside... was for Kyle... I would of like to see him win the sweep this weekend. I really don't like Kyle, but he can drive... so much to the point he didn't want to get out of his car while flame were pouring out the back (he did, but only after completing another half lap.

So typically I wouldn't blog about this weekend, but how can I now... Google is providing me with free in the air wifi, that plus it was a historic weekend. I've been to every one of Jimmie's crowning ceromonies now. I've been to every NASCAR race since 98 at Homestead, starting back when it was only the Trucks. I did miss the first Penzoil 400, but only 1... been to every race since.

But back to the inflight WiFi... really I'm not sure why we have it... you'd think we could stay disconnected for a few hours aboard an airplane... but what the heck. Its here, and its free. might as well use it. Speed... pretty impressive considering I'm how far up....high enough. Via "" it doesn't look like there is enough speed, but there is plenty for blogging and email, with a bit of Google reader going. I'm impressed... I don't think I'll ever pay for Wifi in the air...well maybe on an international flight I'd consider it, but... its FREE till Jan 2... check Google for more details.

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From FordChampionshipWeekend 2010

update: upload speeds not so good.... trying to upload slideshow via Picasa for this post and its taking forever... flight now about to land and will have to shutdown... I'll finish upload later.

update2: upload complete on second flight... speeds are much faster if you get on early ... as more users connect speeds definitely decrease.

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