Tuesday, April 14, 2020

catching up

So from the looks of things....it's roughly been since the birth of my second child since I've posted....looks like I've got some catching up to do...so in the 5+ years since my last post....we've moved from Alexandria/Fairfax to Arlington. We love our neighborhood. I've gotten wrapped up so much into our neighborhood that I am currently the VP of our Civic association. My daughter started school... they built a new school. Our son started school in Montessori at the new school. COVID-19 came into existence... We had our 3rd child, that was an experience given COVID, but that would be a post of it's own...and actually not something I want to put in words... Let's just say that the health care workers are amazing... policy makers not so much. Thank you to all the doctors and nurses at Virginia Hospital Center. While difficult, they did what they could and most importantly, everyone is healthy and safe.

So now that I've caught you up...time to attempt once again at "regular" or at least periodic blogging...and some documentation of some projects I'm hoping to do with my kids since school is ... What it is with covid19.

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