Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Change of blades

So when I first starting shaving... it was with a Gillette Sensor (2blades).  Soon there after I switched to the Mach3. I'be been using the Mach3 for over 10 years. 2 summers ago, my wife gave me a Schick Quattro (4blades). The Quattro and are were not very compatible...quit using it after only a week.  I assumed that it was because the blades were not spaced properly for my face and stuck with my Mach3. Then this past holiday season I decided to give the Gillette Fusion a try.  I picked it up on a holiday gift sale. 
I half expected after my Quattro experience to disappointed, but to my surprise,  it was an amazingly smooth shave. And to top it off, I've been using the same blade over 3months and it still provides a nice smooth shave. I have a feeling I'll be using this razor a long time.

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