Tuesday, December 01, 2009

New Beginnings... New Job, More Choices.

For the past 13 years I've been writing software and working with HRD as an associate/contractor with the Univ of Miami's Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Science. I started as an intern my senior year of high school, stayed on as a part-timer for undergrad, and then became a full-time employee upon graduation. While being full-time with UM I obtained my graduate education and master's degree. So for 13 years I've enjoyed my work with HRD and found the work challenging and exciting.

As everyone should consider from time to time, I checked the market to see what new opportunities a be out there. Also being that I've spent the last 2.5 years telecommuting from home, the idea of going back to an office actually looks good to me. Initially I was only looking at Federal positions, and a handful of select companies that interested me. Then on a suggestion by my long time mentor, I threw my resume on Dice.com, a brilliant idea if you are a technology professional looking for a new job. Right away I started getting calls and email about positions. Some ridiculous ones and some that were very interesting. I tried to follow up with all of them, but in many cases it was me telling them 'no', (why would a candidate who has on their resume the fact that they worked for the same employer for 10+ years and is currently employed be interested in 3-6 month contract work?) and in some cases I'd be interested and have to explain to the recruiters what the job description meant and why I wasn't a candidate. But a few opportunities were there that I was definitely interested in and I moved forward with the application process.

To my luck, I actually ended up with 2 excellent offers. Both were amazing opportunities and amazing projects to work on. But in the end I could only select one, and I know I made the right decision. I've always told myself that when the decision to select a new job, career or path that the most important part is to be happy. But both projects I think would make me equally happy, different aspects of the software engineering world that both interest me. In the long run, I chose the job that I feel has a greater ability for me to grow.

So the first week of November I accepted a new position and notified my current team. As of November 30th I would no longer be part of the HRD team. HRD provided me with amazing opportunities over the years and I'm thankful for all their support. Anyone in the meteorological community (especially students) if you are interested in tropical meteorology, you'll never find a more interesting place to intern or work, and even IT people, the meteorological community is a great place to learn and hone your skills.

So this past October marked 13 years, and this December I'm taking the next step in my professional career. So here is to 13 wonderful years, and a horizon of opportunity with my next project.

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