Monday, November 09, 2009

MacPorts for Weather and Science

Not much of an actual blog post as much as a reminder list for myself when it comes to setting up a new mac for developing code for science. A while back I posted an entry about selecting between MacPorts and Fink (link) so I won't discuss that here... bottom line is that they are both great and both work, it mostly depends on which you are more comfortable with and secondly specific individual ports that are not in both, but the number is few.

Anyways so here is my list that I install (and in order of how I installed them the last time):
  1. gcc (latest version available unless otherwise needed, at the time of writing this, gcc45 is the latest and includes gfortran)
  2. gcc_select (with mac ports, I don't think it is available on fink, but there is probably a similar package)
  3. gnuplot
  4. python (latest 2.x and 3.x versions)
  5. python_select
  6. netcdf, netcdf-bin
  7. hdf5
  8. grads
  9. vis5d
  10. gdal
  11. grass
  12. gmt
  13. gnupg
  14. wget
  15. py26-setuptools (or latest/equivalent to the version of python installed)
  16. py26-numpy
  17. py26-scipy
  18. py26-matplotlib
Now this is the list I've installed specifically, I won't even begin to list the number of packages that are prerequisites for packages that are installed as well.

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