Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Next Step Towards an MBA: GMAT and Forward

So a few weeks ago, I wrote about about possibly doing an MBA. So on Monday I took the GMAT. Lets put it this way... I did better than my practice exams, but I didn't do 'great' but I didn't do bad. I did well enough I think to get into an MBA program, but whether or not I did good enough to score decent funding is still a question.

So whats next? The GMAT is out of the way next step, select schools to apply to. Okay I lied... I already did that step... well I roughly did that step. Being that I am 'limited' (by choice) to programs in the area, it limits me to schools to the DC area which include Georgetown (but not really since they don't have  program that interests me), GW, UMd Smith, American, Catholic, and GMU. To be honest at this point I really like Smith and I like it's part time program. But I still need to do more research on each university to select exactly which to apply to. I sent my scores to all by Catholic, but that won't be a problem. I can always send them later.

So next step: research exactly which programs I want to apply to so that I can begin the application process, with the simultaneous step of researching additional funding, like NSHMBA.

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