Well everybody knows my favorite gadget is my G1. I ordered it back in September, about 1hr after the release event. I was blogging about it almost immediately: http://palmaddict.typepad.com/palmaddicts/2008/10/day-15-with-my.html . I've been twittering about it and from it too. So if you've been following my latest twits... for the last few days I've been looking at modding my G1 (again). When the G1 with Android first came out, it gave all of us users 'root' access (for those of you who don't know what this means... then you don't want it, but for those of us who do....) shortly after, Google closed the door with and with the following release 1.1, root was gone :-(. Well it only took a matter of time (which we all knew) before some one had hacked it. JesusFreke was the first that I know of and I quickly installed.
When the official Cupcake release came out, we were off to India, and regardless, I needed to wait for JF to release his update so that I could continue to have root which also came out shortly after we arrived in India. So I waited till I got back to the states... but yes as soon as I got back, I updated... Anyways... the update worked fine, things looked great but I had a few more force closes and such... some apps weren't happy, but what do you expect...
The next thing I wanted to do was move my apps to the SD card, why, well the one major drawback of the G1 is the limited storage space. Yes you can use an SD card, so that gives you lots of space for media and documents... but that is about it, all your apps are locked to the built-in storage. With root access I moved all my cache files to the SD card that almost doubled the space for apps but still not enough, so the solution was to move the apps to the SD. There are lots of methods and such and a simple google search reveals them. Then I saw this post: http://jf.andblogs.net/2009/08/20/calling-it-quits/ and well that was sad news... but he nicely enough point us all at a replacement rom, cyanogen's.
So 2 nights ago, while my wife and a friend were watching True Blood on HBO, I decided to move forward. I first finally did a Nandroid backup, something highly recommend before making changes (one thing I've never done in the past). Then I downloaded and updated my rom. Well the first go around... bad... the phone never booted back up... but I had access via the adb shell... and was able to find the issue and google an answer (which was to remove the dalvik-cache). So shortly after, my phone was back up and running... sort of. All my apps were complaining and force closing... so next step... the dreaded wipe of the system, thankfully that fixed everything and after about an hour of downloading and installing apps, I was back where I 'started', but not the new rom took up more space on the internal memory and I definitely had to to the apps to sd move.
This is where my new troubles began... (first off I didn't do another Nandroid backup like I should have, and still haven't). I read that I was not suppose to run and additional apps2sd hacks on top of the cyanogen mod, but I assumed that it meant the apps to control the mod, not the process to perform the mod... big misunderstanding... I tried on instruction set and all went to hell...the partition didn't take but the mod still moved over my 'data' directory and then the phone was 'fried'. I had to remove the card and then copy the update image to it, and then go through the whole update process again, hence why you should always backup via nandroid before any changes. ... So after giving life to my phone again and rebuilding the data on my card I decided that I'd just try gparted on my ubuntu box (and for those of you know... my desktop died last december... and my new box was literally only setup days before I started this mission, so the fact that I had a desktop with ubuntu was something... and while I have ubuntu on my netbook, the netbook was booted into winxp while I was performing all these changes on my G1 and I couldn't reboot it in the middle).
So Gparted came to the rescue... my plan was to simply partition the card and figure out the move later... the funny part was, that as soon as I stuck the card in, the cyanogen mod instantly took over and moved my apps to the card... so had I realized that before... I would of saved a few hours and a good headache...
So now I have a working G1 again, still with Root and not my apps are on the SD so I have plenty of space.... future updates.... bring it on...
and I should probably run one of those now ;-)
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